A Better Way to Dance

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend coming up will be a long one for some, and short for others. However, I will have class this Thursday to help you get ready for the upcoming events. Also I’ll be in ATL taking some classes to upgrade my knowledge, and will be back to spread the wealth. Which means this Thursday, will be special. Again challenging the men to think on their feet better, and the women to stay on their feet (the balls of their feet that is) during another but a very trying exercise.

Isn’t it true that “Significant others are like parking spaces? All the good ones are taken except the handicap?” J I’m just saying, it’s something I heard just thought I’d ask. Oh and speaking of something I heard, I just can’t stop chuckling about this one: Always follow your heart, but take your brain with you. Isn’t that the funniest thing? Because I’ve needed THAT info a few times, and I remember saying later “What the Hell was I thinking?” it’s the little things I tell ya` Have a great day, and don’t forget to practice like some of us did Saturday night.

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