A Better Way to Dance

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Too Much Fun!

I’m back from a marvelous Weekend in LA. I had a super super time, and was really sad to leave on Sunday. In fact, I had to be told, If you get another dance, you’ll have to get another flight….. L But at the cost of 3 times what I paid for the flight, I told her well sorry I got to go. LOL So we have like 11 more days until the Big AZ Steppin Event held here. I’m excited about that. So much so, that this weekend I spent thinking of new moves, and combinations for the men. Ladies, most of these DO NOT have 78 in them, and if you’re trying to figure out what the guy is doing, instead of following YOUR steps, then you’ll miss a step, and it’s over. Also ladies that love to turn, get ready. Men make sure you practice your about-face turns, and turning in general. As you’re going to see stars too. J Bring some motion sickness pills with you, you may need it. J

So see you all in class this Thursday starting at 6pm.

Basic Boot Camp 6 - 6:55pm Learn the basic concept along with some different forms of that concept

Basics Reinforced 7:05-8pm Here you’ll cover new ideas concepts and go over them step by step to grasp it

Confidence Builders 8:10 – Until (9, 9:30ish) Here we’ll practice what we learned that day, and from previous classes and go over them and make sure you have it.


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