A Better Way to Dance

Friday, February 10, 2012


Here’s something I found interesting as I hear it all the time:

Student: I went to the same dance class three or four times; what should I know by now?
Mistalocks: You definitely should know the location of the class and its start times! When it comes to learning the assimilation rate varies person to person; you must put effort into you retention by using a systematic method of note taking that fits your learning style. I Teach Dance! ~ Mistalocks

More about that listed below. As for now, Today we’re heading over to Michael’s Café on 7th Ave and Camelback from 6 to 8pm. It’s all steppin music for two hours from what I hear, and I believe it’s free to get in. Can’t beat that huh? (smile) And for those that love having their phone give them directions here’s the exact address: 5025 North 7th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85013-2230

Now with that in mind, here’s some stats or goals you can work towards. These are not written in stone, but just guide markers used to gage where you are, or should be. Let’s not forget that this info is taking in account that you’re practicing at least 5 times a week.

0 to 1 Month – You should have learned your basics, the beat, and the count if necessary.

1 Month to 2 Months – You should start to learn to dance better on the balls of your feet, learned the concept of movement, movements and turns should be getting smoother.

2 Months to 3 Months – Your dance should be able to do all the turns single, double, triple, you should be focusing on style, and counting should be second nature, by this I mean you should know by now what each foot should be doing, and or going.

4 Months to 6 Months – You should be able to dance well enough for anyone, and with anyone. You should be able to handle or catch on to all the arm wraps, the twists, the movements without a 78, start to put your own little style into those steps without having to stop in the middle of the dance, or keep getting lost inside a turn. Remember these results reflect the effort you put in. If your efforts are minimal, then so are your results. Again, everyone learns at different rates, some of you will pick this up quickly, and some will have to put in some work.

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