A Better Way to Dance

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some Useful Tips

Good Morning Steppers,

YES THERE WILL BE A CLASS ON THURSDAY. As there’s nothing else going on this weekend, that I know of, we can get our dance on while at class. Also, The “MEN ONLY” Free workshop oh yeah it’s a done deal. We (Marsha, Byron, Myself and possibly Mr. Seay) will host a Free Saturday workshop for MEN ONLY. This will be a BEGINNER (I’ve never done this before), and INTERMEDIATE (I kind of got the hang of it) event. We will help those that need to get started, and for those that have grasped the concept, we’ll show some basic combinations, correct footwork, and body positions. We’re hoping to have this on January 22, if there’s no big event scheduled. So for all those ladies that wanted to dance with a guy and he didn’t know how to Step, now you can get them to the class, and we’ll get him to the floor.

Thursday’s Class ( The Elk’s 1007 S. 7th Ave Phoenix)

BASIC BOOTCAMP 6 – 6:55PM This is where you learn the FOUNDATION. Here we'll go over conquer at least 4 different basics. "In Place", "Normal", "Half Basic", and "Cross Basic" to start. Introduction to several methods, as well as the 6 and 8 count methods.

BASICS REINFORCED 7:05 – 8PM We will get to know those steps like you know your own address, phone number, favorite ice cream, or favorite ---- well you get the picture. We'll also introduce some common turns into the process. And each week we'll really focus on a particular turn or turns.

CONFIDENCE BUILDER 8:10 – 9ish It's not enough to know the steps, but knowing you KNOW them, and WHEN, and WHAT it feels like being LEAD through those steps. We're going to embark on a bold new methods, and having you doing these steps blindfolded, literally. We're going to be able to do these steps in our sleep, and on the floor effortlessly.

A couple of useful tips:

Ladies you need to stay off of your heels. I noticed Saturday that a lot of you are dancing flat footed. When you dance on your toes, or the balls of your feet your dance and turns are much smoother.

Ladies while your dancing , counting, however you describe it, it SHOULD have a flow to it. I notice that most of you are doing a 123 456 78 STOP then START over. An example would be: let’s say you’re driving and you come to a yield sign. You stop, turn off the engine, and then start driving again instead of just slowing down then proceeding forward. When you’re dancing and counting it should be 123 456 78 123 456 78. See the difference, there no long delays, between the numbers, nor is there a point where you stop and start again. Remember this dance should flow just like you walk. Now if you naturally stop walking and start over after a few steps, then by all means keep up the good work. But if you don’t, then your dance shouldn’t either.

Lastly, never buy hand soap the same color as your mouthwash. I learned that one the hard way this morning. Just a little helpful hint.

Now Get TA` Steppin!

Oh for those emails that are after 3:30 pm on the weekdays, and on the weekends, you may want to send them here:



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