A Better Way to Dance

Friday, April 17, 2009

Men and More Men

Well in case you haven't heard, YOU MISSED IT!! Charles had a surprise for me when I got to class. My Boy MATT from Detroit was here. It was cool to see him, and catch up. He did get on the floor and dance with everyone, new students, and solid dancers. And if you new students were, or are worried about dancing with someone while you're learning---You should hear what my students had to say about dancing with MATT. Well Wednesday was standing a night that the MEN HAD TO WAIT FOR A DANCE. Not to many of those days around here huh? So we missed the likes of Tonya, Lizz, Tanjila, and Teresa, but I have video, and pictures to fill them in later. Speaking of which it seems that we ALL enjoyed watching old DVDs I had of Steppin` videos from all over. We got a chance to watch some of the best steppers around, such as Keith Hubbard, Tykman, Brian Patterson, Donny, Stephan, all in different cities. It was so much fun, not so much watching me when I was learning, but enjoyable all the same.

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