A Better Way to Dance

Saturday, October 31, 2009

No embarrassing moments

I REALLY do understand everyone NOT want to experience any embarrassing moments, but I do feel that everyone needs to evaluate themselves. So only students will be able to access video clips taken during our classes. I'll send those folks email invites to those folks, and they'll be able to check those clips out. From there, they'll be able to view, download those clips and review the notes.

Words to PRACTICE by-----

I would like to offer some words of encouragement: But I just can’t think of any right now. LOL just kidding---First remember that this dance is NOT that difficult, once you understand the rules, and pattern. (pattern for the women) the other thing to remember is that NO ONE can do this their first few times out. I didn’t wake up and say “I’ll go Steppin’ tonight” and knew what I was doing? That is so far from the truth, I REALLY HAD TO PRACTICE MY BUTT OFF (but that’s just me). If you can just practice a little every day, just one song, you’ll be surprised at your progress. Second, for those that didn’t make it out, shame on you , I sincerely hope you were at least practicing. LOL As for last night’s agenda, the women picked a date, with the latest being December 16, 2009; the individual and I will make sure she has successfully accomplished. Example, by this date I want to be able to do left turns, right turns, double turns right and left, and roll out-roll back. This way the classes will now be customized to each person, and their goals. I want the guys to do the same thing, but will involve different moves, and combinations, right turns, and left turns.
Last, I know, I know long winded, but I figured since my teeth are chattering from the cold anyway, they may as well say something--- NOVEMBER 25, 2009 (last Wednesday in November) is my class/student appreciation day. Free food, Free Class, Free fun, Freedom, Free Mandela, Free---oops, I’m sorry I got carried away with all that free stuff. 
Enjoy your day, and make sure you Set Aside 5 MINUTES to practice.

Let the Fun Began---

Well I’ve been asked this question a couple of times today, so I thought I’d share the reason: BECAUSE I SAID SO !! lol I reminded you of your parents didn’t I? Just kidding folks (and for some I wasn’t—I’ll inform them personally) J Now, we’re coming up to the part I REALLY LOVE----Once you have your goals set, and down on paper, I can personally make sure you accomplished them. How will that translate in class? For example, there are 6 woman dancing in a line, and 4 men, each time you’re dancing with someone, he’ll HAVE to put you through what YOU’RE working on, and you’ll also follow along with what HE’S working on. So those 6 women will get to dance with say 4 men ALL WORKING ON SOMETHING DIFFERENT, and the men will get a chance to LEAD THE WOMEN THROUGH WHATEVER THEY ARE WORKING ON. This helps both parties learn new moves, be able to LEAD different women, and be able to follow different LEADERS. Yeah baby, let the fun began. :-) NOW DON’T GET ME WRONG, THERE IS NO GETTING AWAY FROM LEARNING THE BASICS. THAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION, AND YOU WANT THAT TO BE SOLID. I CAN’T STRESS THAT ENOUGH. REMEMBER A HOUSE MADE OF BRICKS WILL LAST LONGER THAN ONE MADE OF COOKED NOODLES. :-) SORRY COULDN’T RESIST. AS LONG AS YOUR FOUNDATION IS GOOD AND SOLID, BUILDING ON IT WILL SEEM SO EFFORTLESS. (At least that’s what they tell me, I haven’t experienced that :-) )

OK now that we’re all on the same page—stop slacking and get back to practicing. :-) You knew it was coming----

What Does it mean ?

So just what does "Its G Style" means??? Ahhh---- yes, it stands a Gentleman's Style. I've been raised by females, and there's one thing they ALL had in common, "Always Be a Gentleman". When I began learning to dance, it's all I heard from women, about how some guy DISRESPECTED her. With that in mind G Style---Gentlemen Style was implemented. I dance clean, and I teach that concept to all my students.

I want women to enjoy the dance, and not have to worry about men groping them on the dance floor. As for the men, just reinforcing what you already know.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why should you practice???

Here's why, check this out: Another reason YOU NEED TO GO SEE THE DANCE!!!

Sandi & I

I'm sorry Sandi, I've been telling you about putting something up of us dancing: well here it is. It's old, but it's a start----

First 3rd Friday

Good Morning Steppers--- Well I would have to say that the First "Every 3rd Friday" was very successful. I would like to thank all who came, and all that dressed up. The whole affair looked nice, and as did everyone there. Great atmosphere, nice location, a variety of music, FREE Valet Parking, all for only $5. Incredible. I'm very impressed with all of my students that came out. I think I danced with all of you except one, she slipped out on me. I'll get her later. As for the ones I did dance with, EVERYONE of you did very well. You should, or need to know this. Everything was well executed, although you may not have felt that way. :-) Just give it time, and STOP saying "I can't, I can't", and start saying "I can do this, I CAN DO THIS!" I was very proud of you all last night. That really lets me know I'm doing something right. Again, I'm not just trying to take your money, I'm trying to get you on the dance floor, so every event or night we go out dancing, it will be like it was Friday. So get up and PRACTICE-PRACTICE-PRACTICE. You should know your basics, just as you know your own home. You should be able to dance with someone with YOUR eyes CLOSED, and not mess up. (too badly) After all, you can close your eyes and walk from your front door to your kitchen, and turn the water on without messing up too badly. I want that type of recall in your basics. So 10 minutes a day, practice to your favorite song. 10 minutes is nothing, showers take longer than that. NO EXCUSES-Just do it. You'll thank me later, I promise. :-)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Are there any Men?

Taken from a comment about not having any men to dance with---

I agree there AREN'T enough men. This is always the tricky part, every man will like something different about the dance. Have you asked any men out to dance, have you asked any to come, or go to class with you? Maybe we can do a Free Men's day or something. We can get them in there, get them hooked and move on from there. How's that idea?

I'm willing to go that extra mile to make it happen, so let's make it happen!

Keith Hubbard & Angie Faine

Can you say SMOOTH--yes, Mr. Smooth is here, and he's doing a Workshop this Saturday. It's going to be from 2 to 5pm over at The Elk's on 1007 S. 7th Street. Also the INFAMOUS Angie Faine will be there instructing too. So there you have it ladies and gentleman, Mr. Smooth, Angie Faine, and me, all in one place giving you all you can take.

Again, these are two people who help shape my dancing into the level that it is now. I'm just saying--for the next few days, you'll have access to more steppin' knowledge than you can imagine. Don't let it go to waste, don't sit back and wonder, wish, and hesitate, get in there ask questions, take some instructions. Believe me, they ARE HERE TO HELP.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

STEPPIN' in the ATL Sunday Night

Sorry for the long long wait to get back here, but I'm still trying to find some sleep. Who goes on vacation to rest? Not to mention I'm having classes, and privates almost every other day--(good thing-get them on that dance floor) so no rest for me. Let's jump forward or backwards for a moment;

Sunday night dancing in ATL was fantastic. Of course the music was good, the food, well I was hungry, and there were more people dancing than people at a Michael Jackson concert. (RIP MJ) It was really nice, but wait there's more; lol yep they danced again on Monday, but unfortunately I had to fly back to the AZ. All-in-all it was super, I can get over the floor thing, but what I still have a problem with was or is---just where does all the money go? In Sarah's pocket? I mean NOT ONE DAY DID SHE HAVE ANY DECORATIONS UP. Nothing fancy maybe a few ballons here and there, some table decorations, nope NOTHING, ZILCH. And it's not like she had to pay for the rooms, because I know if you buy the food, they'll give the rooms for free. Hmmm go figure. Also what's up with the reserving over half of the damn tables. One night it started at 8pm, I got there around 8:20, and almost didn't get a table. About 70% of them were reserved, and they didn't even show up until midway, through the night. So many dances, so little time. I got a chance to see a couple of my former students, and I was so proud. One of them is now teaching--who'd have thought that huh? Just think, that could be YOU!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


So this would be my first time at this particular venue, I think. :-) Anyway, as for Friday's event, w
here do I start? So I’m here in ATL at this Black and White Ball, and I can say that I started having fun, then BAM! The floor came apart, and from there all downhill. It took so long for them to get that thing fixed, they lost their luster. They did however have a spill over room, but the music kept cutting off. So that made for very interesting dancing in there. Now things were cut short for myself, because I was going skating that evening too. But I must say I got there about an hour after it started, was able to dance a couple of records then watch a couple of dancers, then that’s when the floor thing happened. Now by the time it was fixed, it was almost 11:30. So I got another couple of dances in then I left to go skating. I heard that they kept dancing until 3 but I was already gone by then. I DID hear that they DID have the preliminaries then too. Now when I asked them when I was buying my tickets mind you, they were uncertain if it would even take place. As I said before ALL DOWNHILL FROM THAT POINT.
STEPPIN' in the ATL cont..

So as I try to get the bad taste out of my mouth from that last night of dancing, I entered the Marriott with a big smile, and positive possibilities. Good thing to do huh? Well unfortunately I wasn't able to get much video taping done, because I was either on the floor HAVING A GREAT TIME, or my camera was freakin the HELL out. But anyway, tonight was MUCH better than Friday's side show. Detroit, was well represented too. I got a chance to see, speak, dance, and hang out with most of them. I felt like I was back in the 313. (a Good Feeling) I did take some pictures, but as it goes, this time the battery on my camera was low. So I took as many as I could before it was completely dead. Yeah I know, I should have been more prepared. Of course the new pictures ARE posted--Just let Bugs Bunny guide you there. Now meanwhile, back on the dance floor: I'm dancing with Judy (A lady that will ALWAYS get dances from me--because she was there when I didn't know that I had a left and right foot) lol---Anyway Judy and I were dancing and guess what? YEP! THE FLOOR CAME APART AGAIN! Can anyone say deja vu`? Can anyone spell that correctly? lol So the same thing happened, but this time they used that time to do the raffles, and announcements. Also they didn't take as long to fix it, maybe 30 minutes or so, I didn't watch the clock this time, I just began heading for the door. Now don't get me wrong Saturday was MUCH MUCH better than Friday, and they had an awesome performance for us. The best one, not to take anything away from Mr. Keys, but the Michael Jackson show was very nice. Good thing my camera didn't freak out the whole time. I presume that's why the tickets were so damn expensive. $30 every night just about, maybe it's just me. I know, I can get like another job to foot the bill for it. I can even add in, loss of time, for the floors coming apart. Has anyone ever had that happen to them before at a Steppers Set? Anyway, more to come as I think I'm going again. lol Well I figured if it's going to be my last one, I might as well. Plus I did promise a few people that I would--especially since I'M NOT GOING SKATING. That's a whole different story. lol

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Fine Event

THE BIG 80'S PARTY / BIRTHDAY FOR MS. ANGIE FAINE !! Well let me say that "IT SUCKED BIG TIME", for those that didn't make it. lol It was VERY nice, and at a very nice establishment. (The Buttes) If you have the time, go and check it out, oh and take an extra check book with you. :-) Ok now down to the good stuff---

You just had to be there to see those costume's for yourself. The pictures just don't give them ANY justice. Although they didn't get to the contest, I think we can all agree that-- I CLEARLY WON. lol I wish, I'm sure you'll hear about my costume (creative, & home made I might add :-D ) But seriously without question the winner was, oh snap, did you see that guy with the red hat on, two different shoes on, with the fro the size of Texas? I think HE ---- lol just kidding; no question the best costume was "EZ E". I'll let you check out the picture and see if you can tell who it is.

Although this was NOT a steppin event, the DJ kept all of us very happy. We got to hear some nice old 80's songs that truly had everyone in constant remembrance. Except me, that was before my time. :-) Now you can check out all of the other pictures I took by clicking on the "Bugs Bunny" icon in the top right hand corner.

I had a really good time there, I left early though some time around 1:57AM, which sucks because it wasn't over until 2:00AM. See my dilemma? Oh well next year, I'll get them back. They even had some candy from that time too, on all the tables. Very nice. I don't think that we got Angie drunk enough though. So next time you're out, get her a drink. Then pull out your knife, and tell her she has 5 seconds to finish it off. She'll love it. :-)

OK OK ENOUGH! Get back to work, put your favorite song on, and practice. And I brought a brand NEW belt too. And it's thicker, and bigger than those worn back in the 80's. HA! Thanks for that brilliant idea ladies. :-)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Second Class Coming Soon

Well it's time now. My classes are growing each week, and also I've had many request to teach on a different day. So I'm now in the market for another location. If you know of some place that we can use just let me know. See you soon, oh and don't forget the 80's party on the 21st of this month too.

123-456-78 123-456-78

Good Times

Hello G Style steppers, I must say our last class again was fun. Ladies don't forget to practice that footwork, and make it your own. Put your own STYLE to it. You don't want to look like all the other people out there doing it. And Men, YOU MUST PRACTICE YOUR FOOTWORK!! Footwork here is all about positioning. If your footwork is SOUND, not only are you in place for your next move, but it'll make the dance a whole lot smoother.

Also it will help you, because this week---WE ARE GOING TO JUMP INTO THE FUTURE AGAIN!!! Bring your thinking caps. :-)

Is it just me??

So have you ever danced with someone, and you had NO IDEA what the hell they were doing? :-) Yeah well can you envision that person teaching? Well I think there's going to be ANOTHER class starting or has started already. There was one instructor that literally told a student, after she went dancing and saw that they were doing something different, that there's more than just one style. Sadly they won't be able to dance with the rest of the Steppin family. OK I'll say it: PEOPLE, JUST BECAUSE THEY SAY THEY'RE FROM CHICAGO. DOESN'T MEAN AUTOMATICALLY THEY CAN STEP!! If that were true, then there WOULDN'T be ANY classes in Chicago. Why would they have classes there if everyone can step already??? There I said it. Just find a style or a method you like and go for it. Also if you think that because you start off counting, that you must count all the time, sorry that's NOT the case. Just as you learned to walk some years ago, you had to learn left--right--left--right, are you trying to tell me that you're STILL doing that now?? Yeah I thought so. Trust me, counting will be the same way, once it's in your head, you'll be able to dance and just know what count you're on. So you can either practice 123-456-78, or you can practice becoming a Mind-Reader to know what you're suppose to do. lol Man that's funny. Hey I guess -----Let me know how that works out.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Can't we all just get along? LOL Sadly, that's not always possible. See there will ALWAYS be someone somewhere with something against whatever it is that's being done. But the good news is that over time, you'll see those BAD EGGs more clearly that ever. Now I wasn't at the big meeting because I had class, but I didn't need to be there to hear about Mr. Negative. All I can say is, don't let one BAD Apple spoil the whole bunch. That same apple even tried to spoil another batch of apples. You know what they say, "God hates UGLY", so we'll soon see him be unsuccessful for the 3rd time. I wish him well, but we all know how it's going to end.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Well hello G Style Steppers!! For all of you that didn't attend, LA was indeed spectacular in all it's glory. From those workshops, to the dancing itself---just fabulous. I attended almost all of the workshops, and learned a lot. It's always a treat to learn some new steps, moves, and better understanding of concepts. Dominique, Keith Hubbard, Angie, Feo and Candace, and The Steady Steppers all gave great workshops that I was able to attend. I only pray that I can remember it all. lol So as you can imagine class is going to be really fun, as usual.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Infamous One

So you want to see The Detroit Bop at it's best? Well just watch these two, like well played music. This is Miles & Sherri---

ok so let the buffer fill up then play it.

The New Generation

LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL. Hey Drew, and Noah, be on the lookout, these moves ARE going to be stolen--copied, and some will never figure them out. LOL You guys are Spectacular.

Again play it a little then pause it, and fill the buffer.


WARNING don't try this at home. lol But if you want to learn get those pens and paper ready.

it's a pretty big file so start it, then pause it for a couple of minutes to avoid buffering starts and stops. Enjoy--

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

OK, Someone has to say it, and I don't mind it being me. Here's the deal, this is something that really pisses me off, and it's people trying to teach in my class. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the students helping each other, I'M TALKING ABOUT THOSE WHO SIT ON THE SIDE, AND THEN GO AROUND ADDING THEIR 2 CENTS, AND BEGINNING TO SHOW THEM MOVES OR STEPS, KNOWING THEY'RE NOT READY FOR THEM. NOT TO MENTION THAT THIS PERSON THAT DID IT, IS THE GREATEST STEPPER IN PHOENIX. (so HE tells everyone, but as we all know he didn't get into the dance contest) Now back to him DISRESPECTING ME, AND MY CLASS. You know who you are, I don't come to your class and tell your students how it's really done. You don't see me showing them moves, and steps, and you know why I don't, IT'S BECAUSE IT IS DISRESPECTFUL. How would you like it if you were at home watching your favorite TV show, and some stranger came in, and just turned the channel. You are an old man, and yes I use the term OLD, because apparently you're NOT wise. I can't believe some people, he's been dancing 20 minutes hisself; How in the hell is HE going to show someone something. And as for all of you whom have no idea whom I'm talking about, just wait, video of him is already in the making, and soon to be posted.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stay Tuned for more oustanding clips

OK Arizona, good your paper & pencils out---- Here are some moves you can teach in your classes. Just make sure you TEACH THEM THE CORRECT FOOTWORK or it's not going to work. These moves are for those who are DANCING IN THE PATTERN, and NOTFOOTWORK MEN LEARN your FOOTWORK for those you have to be a mind reader to follow. !!!! If you learn it, things will be so much easier for you, but I know it's going to take you bumping your heads before you will. It's not enough to know the move, or combination, but knowing and having footwork. It Doesn't look good just walking around, or not moving at all, PULLING the woman all over the place. Well maybe that's just my thinking-----Hmmmmmm dance how you want, but don't complain when you don't get any dances.

The First Time out

OK this was our first dance, and if you've forgotten who Donna is, maybe this will help--

White Party Clips

OK here's Donna & I dancing, and I was told that all the mistakes that were made, was MY FAULT. And I AGREE! The fact that she went where she wanted to go was all MY FAULT. I keep telling myself that over and over and over----
Check it out

Tina's Birthday Party

Good Afternoon fellow AZ Steppers! Well for those of you who missed it, Tina's Birthday party was really nice. Well, Once we got past another Michael Jackson tribute, it was OK. So how long will that go on? OK OK OK he was GREAT!! We got it, but do we have to listen to MJ for 2 hours every time we go out? Do they think that THEY ARE the only DJs playing MJ songs? Give it a rest! OK I'm calm, good thing for that nice music or I'll still be ranting. I hope we won't have that problem at the Peppermint Party. It will be a short night for me if that does happen.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chicago Dance Contest here in Phoenix?

Yes ladies and gentlemen, they had a Chicago Steppin Contest here this past Saturday. And let me tell you, it was full of MISINFORMATION. Just as we all like contest to be, confusing, unfair, and bias. They even split the prize money with the winners, AND the Losing couple.(one of there regulars) Has anyone ever heard of that?? Mia, and I did win the contest, BARELY. They wasn't going to give it to us, one of the guys there stepped in and put his 2 cents in. And with that being said, I don't even think that other couple was even stepping. At least I've never seen that version. Maybe I need to go back to Chicago, and see what I'm missing. They said that they would have judges, NOPE audience vote, they said the winners would get at least $50, NOPE! The winners got $25 to split, and it cost us $7 each to get in. So that boiled down to $6 in winnings, which didn't cover gas. Such a sad event.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Noah & Anne

Well here's Anne again, but this time with Noah.

Class is open

So here's another small clip of Drew and Anne playing around after class in Detroit--

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The New generation

The New Generation

So here we have 2 young men that take dance to higher levels. Let's start with Drew:

A little Big Man that has more talent, and moves than the amount of times you blink your eyes in a day. I've been told they think he even comes with moves in his sleep. lol Now I've had the pure pleasure of watching him dance, and I couldn't keep my mouth closed. Every time I did, he pulled off something else that had me shaking my head. Drew danced a trio that was well worthy of the "I'll be Damn" status. Drew has a laid back type of Style, almost a complete opposite than his counterpart.

Noah-----Aw---Yes Noah-- Don't blink!!! If you, do not only will you miss something special, you'll miss the amazing way his combinations flow. He's a very cool, and quiet person, that if you didn't know who he was, you'll dismiss him non-the-less. And I'm here to tell you ladies, and gentlemen for that matter, you would miss sparks of genious in motion. Unlike Drew, Noah's style is very flashy, bold, and flamboyant. His style is one that will keep you guessing. You really have to be on your toes with these two, as the following clips shows. As they regale us, let's not forget THE WOMEN that they are dancing with. So as you watch them, we can also be amazed with the women too. Women, if you want to learn footwork, there's NO BETTER TEACHER THAN PRACTICE. These women didn't get up and say, "Today I'll have some good footwork"; they PRACTICED, and PRACTICED, and then PRACTICED some more. But don't get discourage, just look at where you can blossom to be:

Enjoy The New Generation----

Thursday, June 11, 2009


If you didn't attend the Original White Party in Detroit, man----- you missed a good one. It was really nice, and there were people from all over. Steppers --Stepping the night away, Boppers bopping, The Ballroomers, and Latin Hustle folks folks putting on a show. So because of the many many and many dances I had, I wasn't able to do much recording. BUT, I did get in about 2 hours worth. Of course that's between that, and the after party. It was really nice to be there amongst all those inspiring dancers. I had so many people showing me new moves, I was getting them all mixed up. Ah yes------ I remember those days trying to remember too much, and can't remember anything. LOL Now the good news, I'll post SOME footage of my trip here in the next couple of days.

I will be back for class this coming Wednesday---MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR THINKING CAPS WITH YOU !!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well first off let me say that, at first I wasn't going to attend. But I'm glad that I did. I had a wonderful time, and I think it turned out very nice. Although I didn't wear any white--don't own any, I wasn't the only one. There were a few rebels there. :-) I did meet a number of nice people, and some that inquired about the classes. YES I SAID CLASSES. Although I'm still studying so I can move up the Network Administration ladder, I'm going to add a couple of more classes. My next class is going to start in about 3 weeks, and will be on Saturday's from 11am to 1pm. For now, however, that may change. :-) Stay tuned, more info to follow.

Friday, April 17, 2009

THE 6 or 8 Count Debate ????

Well it seems that we are all still debating over which is better, the 6 or 8 count. Now we have the Die-Hard 6 counters, and those Die-Hard 8 counters. So which one is better, which one is correct? Answer THEY BOTH ARE!!!! Which ever one works for you. Now I know what you're saying, and just let me explain. The reason WHY we have you count, new or old student, is to get you into a pattern. Once you're doing that STEP PATTERN consistently, it doesn't really matter WHAT you're counting. As long as you're doing that STEP PATTERN. An example: Here's the 8 count---123 456 78 repeated over and over and over---your constant-- AND NOW the 6 count--- 12step 34step 56 repeated over and over and over---your constant. If you count the actual steps, it's 8. The 6 count, I feel, just mentally slows you down; so you don't feel rush to get all the steps in. Watch the clip below. You can also have two people side by side, have one person do the 8 count, and the other do the 6 count, then tell me which one is different. Remember it's the pattern that we are trying to get you in, not so much a particular count, but the pattern. I hope that helps, but as always we will have those who will feel otherwise, and that's fine too. By the way I use BOTH, and sometimes I count by 3, but don't tell anyone. :-)

Men and More Men

Well in case you haven't heard, YOU MISSED IT!! Charles had a surprise for me when I got to class. My Boy MATT from Detroit was here. It was cool to see him, and catch up. He did get on the floor and dance with everyone, new students, and solid dancers. And if you new students were, or are worried about dancing with someone while you're learning---You should hear what my students had to say about dancing with MATT. Well Wednesday was standing a night that the MEN HAD TO WAIT FOR A DANCE. Not to many of those days around here huh? So we missed the likes of Tonya, Lizz, Tanjila, and Teresa, but I have video, and pictures to fill them in later. Speaking of which it seems that we ALL enjoyed watching old DVDs I had of Steppin` videos from all over. We got a chance to watch some of the best steppers around, such as Keith Hubbard, Tykman, Brian Patterson, Donny, Stephan, all in different cities. It was so much fun, not so much watching me when I was learning, but enjoyable all the same.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Protect and Serve Parents

Well Sandi finally made it back to the Desert, and we're happy. She came out this past Wednesday, and helped with our students. Thanks for all the help. Sandi is the proud parent of ????? that's in the ARMY! GO ARMY! Nope, I still don't know her name, isn't that funny. I bet I'll get it now though. lol

Welcome Jennifer

We have another wonderful new stepper. Jennifer is another student that catches on really fast. And that's a good thing. Don't forget to practice. :-)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

G-Style Congratulations

Join me in congratulating the Daughter of one of our very own G Style family members. It's Sandi. Her Daughter has recently passed Basic training. So lets wish her much success in her tour of duty.
Be all you can be, and come home safe.


I've been requested to host a MEN'S Only workshop to give the men moves, combinations, tips on leading, positioning, and how to make your dance flow.

Multiple left turns
Multiple right turns
half turn options
double left and right turn options
Skipping, or Stealing the beat instructional concepts

Because You just Never Know

Well my Friend Angie stop by to assist with some footwork, and just great helpful tips. Don't worry, she'll be back, but will you?

G-Style Prayers

We would like to send our prayers out to one of our latest student, Connie. She's away in Denver, but our prayers will find her. Let us all wish her family well.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Still Waiting

Well I do have some pic of the new dancers, but I still waiting on "Someone I'll just call Slow Motion" :-)

Look no Hands--

Taneka L.----I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed dancing with you, and watching you learn the concept of Steppin’. Of course I wish you success, but with that comes the hard work. So remember to practice about 5 – 10 minutes a day, with your favorite song. I look forward seeing you again, and if you decide this isn’t for you, it still was a real pleasure.

Look who dancing

Twana K.--I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed dancing with you, and watching you learn the concept of Steppin’. Of course I wish you success, but with that comes the hard work. So remember to practice about 5 – 10 minutes a day, with your favorite song. I look forward seeing you again, and if you decide this isn’t for you, it still was a real pleasure.

Another bright star

Patricia T---Your learning of the basics, seemed to come easily. I enjoyed dancing with you, and watching you grasp those crazy patterns of Steppin’. Of course I wish you success, but with that comes the hard work. So remember to practice about 5 – 10 minutes a day, with your favorite song. I look forward seeing you again, and if you decide this isn’t for you, it still was a real pleasure.

Did you know

Dee just FYI, dancing with you was very fun. So was watching you learn the concept of Steppin’. Of course I wish you success, but with that comes the hard work. So remember to practice about 5 – 10 minutes a day, with your favorite song. I look forward seeing you again, and if you decide this isn’t for you, it still was a real pleasure.

First time out

I also wanted to thank Tonya and Rose for coming out. Even though they got there at the end of class, they still were able to take a quick lesson. They BOTH picked up the basic step rather quickly. I enjoyed dancing with you. I must say that once Rose remembered her left from her right, things really took off. :-) Rose, you’re fine and you’ll be more than ready for your return visit to Chicago. Now Tonya, my latest “Cock-Roach Killer” style dancer, for your first day, you did very well. No worries Tonya, we will smooth your dance out. I know I gave you two so much to think about, but it all gets easier, trust me. Don’t get discouraged, remember at the end we danced, and I was able to give you things, (moves) and you BOTH were able to follow along. I’m very excited with your progress, especially from just one lesson.
So don’t forget to practice. Put your favorite song on, and 123 --- 456 --- 78 AGAIN 123 --- 456 --- 78 (left foot first Rose) Again don’t worry about “Your Style” right now, because it WILL come. Just concentrate on the basics.


Well hello Chrissy, and Donna. Glad to see you two out again. As for your progress, I got a chance to watch you two, and I must say you guys-(figure of speech) did really well. However I did notice a couple of things, but nothing major. J So don’t forget to get some practice in, and next week we’ll start with some double turns. (oooooh goody)

Thursday, March 26, 2009