A Better Way to Dance

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Get Ta Steppin

Time 6 – 9 PM

Basics Boot Camp 6 – 7 PM This is where you learn the FOUNDATION. Here we’ll go over conquer at least 4 different basics. “In Place”, “Normal”, “Half Basic”, and “Cross Basic” to start. Introduction to several methods, as well as the 6 and 8 count methods.

Basics Reinforced 7:10 – 8:10 PM We will get to know those steps like you know your own address, phone number, favorite ice cream, or favorite ---- well you get the picture. J We’ll also introduce some common turns into the process. And each week we’ll really focus on a particular turn or turns.

Confidence Builder 8:20 – 9 PM It’s not enough to know the steps, but knowing you KNOW them, and WHEN, and WHAT it feels like being LEAD through those steps. We’re going to embark on a bold new methods, and having you doing these steps blindfolded, literally. We’re going to be able to do these steps in our sleep, and on the floor effortlessly.

I use the term “WE” because it’s going to take both of us to make this happen. You will have to practice ON YOUR OWN, and NOT just in class. Or you’ll forever be taking classes, and that’s NOT good at all. You want to learn the dance, and go have fun. Not sit and watch everyone else doing it. J My goal is to GET you to the dance floor having fun, your goal is to BE on the dance floor having fun. Let’s make that happen.

As I know from personal experience, practicing to one’s favorite song really helps. So if you have one or two, let me know. Bring your CDs, I WILL get your song played. I’m not making any promises on that heavy metal, hard rock, deep country, underworld hip hop, folk music, or polka. I’ll lend you my head phones for those.

Cost $7

Big THANKS to HomeBase

The Steppin Community here would like to convey their deepest thanks to the people over at Homebase, for everything they're doing. Tonight they had a Chicago Step Demo, for those that attended. They had also given everyone a chance to get to learn the dance next month with two free lessons given by a few Phoenix instructors. Don't miss out, come check it out and see if you'll like to get in on all the fun.

As always Get Ta Steppin...

Class info listed on the right side

Friday, September 10, 2010

Coming Soon..... Stay tuned

Monday, September 6, 2010

NEW Class Old Class

It's official! Thursday night's at the ELK's from 6-9 pm is the new class location and time. Yep, you read that correctly 6-9 pm. Starting Sept. 16th. That's 3 hours of learning, and it does come at with a higher price tag I'm afraid. I'll have all the details posted in the next couple of days.

Also there's going to be a Grown & Sexy night on Saturday. It's for the older crowd, and good Steppin, line-dance, and ballroom music will be played.

The Elk's is located at 1007 S. 7th Ave, Phoenix AZ