A Better Way to Dance

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ground Work

So here we have it, all the new people to take up this new and exciting dance. However, they're still doing or trying the same things I did, or tried when I started out. And I'm here to tell ya, it's not going to work. And here's what I'm talking about---The new students 1.) Don't want to count 2.)Don't practice 3.) Believe they are the true 1% that will pick up the concept after a day or a week. WRONG, WRONG, AND REALLY WRONG! It's a known fact that people like learning things the hard way. Instead of just buckling down, they always look for the easy way out, or the shortcuts, when in fact there are none. The only thing that you're doing is prolonging your own advancement. Here's an example:

Let's take LINE DANCING as the basis here. Now when you first saw whichever line dance you liked, you decided that you were going to learn that thing. So you got up and began learning it. You would do it, and do it, and do it, and do it, until you actually could do it without messing up. Now that you could follow along and do it without messing up, you did it even more. Every chance you got, you were doing it. You did it SO MUCH, that NOW you're starting to replace those simple steps with steps of your own. And even when they change directions, or steps, you're right in sync with them, and didn't miss a beat. GREAT !!!! But now let's take a closer look at that. You first learned the basics, and then you practiced, and practiced, and practiced, then when you mastered that basic step, you danced, and danced, and danced some more. So much so that you knew the exact timing of each part, each step, each turn, slide, bounce, wiggle, wobble, jump, roll, and even slip and fall if it's in there. Later you began to change some of those basic steps, and made up your very own steps, and never missed a beat once you got your timing down with those new steps. But you didn't always know what to do did you? Exactly! You had to practice to learn that step, and ALL of it. You took the time to learn parts 1, 2, 3, 4---- as many parts as there were, you took some time to learn them and practice them. You didn't say, just show me this part, and I'll make up the rest. Or say I don't need to do that part the right way, it doesn't matter. No you learned it the way it was supposed to be done FIRST, then you added your own stuff to it. Did you try to do your own stuff while you were learning it? NO, you didn't.

But that's what you're doing with the Chicago Step. Instead of just learning the basic, counting OUT LOUD, and then practicing it over and over like you do those Line Dances, you don't. You try to shortcut, try counting in your head, or do things your way thinking you're getting over. It doesn't work. Yeah you're getting over, just NOT on the dance. You're getting over on saving your money, time, and most importantly getting some dances in when you go out. And don't tell me you don't get dances in because you're fat, or short, dark skinned, light skinned, your hair isn't long, or because you don't dress like a hooker and she does, or that guys only dance with skinny pretty ladies that look like they came out of a modeling magazine, because THAT'S B.S. If you can dance, you GET dances, and the ones that can't, don't. Plain and simple. I've dance with all types, you name the type, and I've danced with them. And what I'm looking for is just someone that can dance. Now don't get me wrong there are going to be some people you can F-L-O-W with better than others, but for the most part, you still can have a great time. Now, I've been challenged to prove my theory, and I've accepted. I'm going to pick 3 ladies to work with, and a couple of guys, that I'm going to personally work with for 2 months straight, and prove how if you just learn, and follow the rules, you pick it up very quickly. It's not a hard dance, but you do have to practice, you will have to count, and you'll be surprised of how much you'll learn when you do those little things.