A Better Way to Dance

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friday class ???

OH yeah Friday class at the Hole in the Wall in the final talks, and it's looking good---- PHOENIX GET YO' STEP ON

I have some really great news, and a little bad news. First with the BAD---I was incorrect earlier, THERE IS A $5 COVER CHARGE FOR THE NEW PLACE ON FRIDAYS. SORRY I JUST FOUND OUT LIKE 5 MINUTES AGO. However, that $5 will cover you for the FREE Buffett. There goes that word again FREE. J Yes, there’s still a 2 drink minimum, but now worries there right? Now, I hope you’re sitting down because here it comes

Now for the GREAT NEWS-----THERE’S GOING TO BE A STEP CONTEST HELD CURRENTLY EVERY 2 WEEKS HELD AT Hollywood’s Hole in the Wall club on Fridays. BAMM Currently starting NEXT WEEK. But after next week there will be, the preliminaries one week, then the contest the following week. And the prize---$100. YEAH BABY SIGN ME UP EVERY WEEK----WAIT NOT SO FAST--- To make it fair for everyone, there’s a plan in place to be able to spread it out to avoid ---say ME WINNING every week, or Charles, or Byron, or whomever from winning EVERY WEEK. Who wants to see that? Also, it’s not only just dancing, you’ll have to be dressed nice too, yeah getting back to OLD SCHOOL. So if you think you’re going to come in wearing jeans and a shirt, and win ---WRONG !!!!

Now for all those that have been practicing, now it’s time to show what you’ve learned, and you could even win back ALL THE MONEY YOU’VE PUT INTO LEARNING. That’s how, and what I did. AND REMEMBER THIS IS ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN. IF YOU DON’T WIN, OR DIDN’T WIN, GO HOME PRACTICE SOME MORE, AND TRY AGAIN NEXT TIME. As always, I’ll be there to help you along the way, if you choose.

OK I have to go and pray for my LAKERS. BOW YOUR HEADS------- lol HEY HOLLYWOOD, KEEP DOING THE DAMN THING !!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Counting Down

Good Evening Steppers,

Well, it's getting closer and closer until the Grand Re-Opening of the Elk's. That class will resume on Thursdays. And also, the Saturday classes and locations have been found. Working out the last minute details, but for the most part, it's a go! Now we're going to make AZ a dance Meca---. We're going to have Chicago Steppin, Detroit Ballroom, and Detroit Bop added to the mix here. Let's get out, and have some fun, as life is short. REMEMBER NEVER PUT THINGS OFF UNTIL LATER, AS LATER NEVER COMES. For those who start early, will reap early rewards.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Everyone, if you are interested in sharing a bus to Las Vegas for the 4 day subject event, please respond back immediately and let me know. This is for Saturday main Steppin event, leaving Saturday morning, returning Sunday afternoon. Staying at the host hotel for the event. Call 480 334 1583 (Lizz), 602 413 8169 (Tonya). Details below:

30 people - Include room & bus ride, total $85.00 per person.

20 people - Include room & bus ride, total $110.00 per person.

15 people - Include room & bus ride, total $135.00 per person.

Due to the short timeframe for the event, we must have the money by

Monday, May 17, 2010 in order to secure those rates. You will have to

purchase your entry ticket for the event, depending on the number wanting

to take the bus, there is possibly a discount on the one day (Saturday) entry for the event.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Come and get it

Here we have the videos from the AZ Southwest Steppin Event 2010