A Better Way to Dance

Saturday, October 31, 2009

No embarrassing moments

I REALLY do understand everyone NOT want to experience any embarrassing moments, but I do feel that everyone needs to evaluate themselves. So only students will be able to access video clips taken during our classes. I'll send those folks email invites to those folks, and they'll be able to check those clips out. From there, they'll be able to view, download those clips and review the notes.

Words to PRACTICE by-----

I would like to offer some words of encouragement: But I just can’t think of any right now. LOL just kidding---First remember that this dance is NOT that difficult, once you understand the rules, and pattern. (pattern for the women) the other thing to remember is that NO ONE can do this their first few times out. I didn’t wake up and say “I’ll go Steppin’ tonight” and knew what I was doing? That is so far from the truth, I REALLY HAD TO PRACTICE MY BUTT OFF (but that’s just me). If you can just practice a little every day, just one song, you’ll be surprised at your progress. Second, for those that didn’t make it out, shame on you , I sincerely hope you were at least practicing. LOL As for last night’s agenda, the women picked a date, with the latest being December 16, 2009; the individual and I will make sure she has successfully accomplished. Example, by this date I want to be able to do left turns, right turns, double turns right and left, and roll out-roll back. This way the classes will now be customized to each person, and their goals. I want the guys to do the same thing, but will involve different moves, and combinations, right turns, and left turns.
Last, I know, I know long winded, but I figured since my teeth are chattering from the cold anyway, they may as well say something--- NOVEMBER 25, 2009 (last Wednesday in November) is my class/student appreciation day. Free food, Free Class, Free fun, Freedom, Free Mandela, Free---oops, I’m sorry I got carried away with all that free stuff. 
Enjoy your day, and make sure you Set Aside 5 MINUTES to practice.

Let the Fun Began---

Well I’ve been asked this question a couple of times today, so I thought I’d share the reason: BECAUSE I SAID SO !! lol I reminded you of your parents didn’t I? Just kidding folks (and for some I wasn’t—I’ll inform them personally) J Now, we’re coming up to the part I REALLY LOVE----Once you have your goals set, and down on paper, I can personally make sure you accomplished them. How will that translate in class? For example, there are 6 woman dancing in a line, and 4 men, each time you’re dancing with someone, he’ll HAVE to put you through what YOU’RE working on, and you’ll also follow along with what HE’S working on. So those 6 women will get to dance with say 4 men ALL WORKING ON SOMETHING DIFFERENT, and the men will get a chance to LEAD THE WOMEN THROUGH WHATEVER THEY ARE WORKING ON. This helps both parties learn new moves, be able to LEAD different women, and be able to follow different LEADERS. Yeah baby, let the fun began. :-) NOW DON’T GET ME WRONG, THERE IS NO GETTING AWAY FROM LEARNING THE BASICS. THAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION, AND YOU WANT THAT TO BE SOLID. I CAN’T STRESS THAT ENOUGH. REMEMBER A HOUSE MADE OF BRICKS WILL LAST LONGER THAN ONE MADE OF COOKED NOODLES. :-) SORRY COULDN’T RESIST. AS LONG AS YOUR FOUNDATION IS GOOD AND SOLID, BUILDING ON IT WILL SEEM SO EFFORTLESS. (At least that’s what they tell me, I haven’t experienced that :-) )

OK now that we’re all on the same page—stop slacking and get back to practicing. :-) You knew it was coming----

What Does it mean ?

So just what does "Its G Style" means??? Ahhh---- yes, it stands a Gentleman's Style. I've been raised by females, and there's one thing they ALL had in common, "Always Be a Gentleman". When I began learning to dance, it's all I heard from women, about how some guy DISRESPECTED her. With that in mind G Style---Gentlemen Style was implemented. I dance clean, and I teach that concept to all my students.

I want women to enjoy the dance, and not have to worry about men groping them on the dance floor. As for the men, just reinforcing what you already know.