A Better Way to Dance

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another Fine Event

THE BIG 80'S PARTY / BIRTHDAY FOR MS. ANGIE FAINE !! Well let me say that "IT SUCKED BIG TIME", for those that didn't make it. lol It was VERY nice, and at a very nice establishment. (The Buttes) If you have the time, go and check it out, oh and take an extra check book with you. :-) Ok now down to the good stuff---

You just had to be there to see those costume's for yourself. The pictures just don't give them ANY justice. Although they didn't get to the contest, I think we can all agree that-- I CLEARLY WON. lol I wish, I'm sure you'll hear about my costume (creative, & home made I might add :-D ) But seriously without question the winner was, oh snap, did you see that guy with the red hat on, two different shoes on, with the fro the size of Texas? I think HE ---- lol just kidding; no question the best costume was "EZ E". I'll let you check out the picture and see if you can tell who it is.

Although this was NOT a steppin event, the DJ kept all of us very happy. We got to hear some nice old 80's songs that truly had everyone in constant remembrance. Except me, that was before my time. :-) Now you can check out all of the other pictures I took by clicking on the "Bugs Bunny" icon in the top right hand corner.

I had a really good time there, I left early though some time around 1:57AM, which sucks because it wasn't over until 2:00AM. See my dilemma? Oh well next year, I'll get them back. They even had some candy from that time too, on all the tables. Very nice. I don't think that we got Angie drunk enough though. So next time you're out, get her a drink. Then pull out your knife, and tell her she has 5 seconds to finish it off. She'll love it. :-)

OK OK ENOUGH! Get back to work, put your favorite song on, and practice. And I brought a brand NEW belt too. And it's thicker, and bigger than those worn back in the 80's. HA! Thanks for that brilliant idea ladies. :-)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Second Class Coming Soon

Well it's time now. My classes are growing each week, and also I've had many request to teach on a different day. So I'm now in the market for another location. If you know of some place that we can use just let me know. See you soon, oh and don't forget the 80's party on the 21st of this month too.

123-456-78 123-456-78

Good Times

Hello G Style steppers, I must say our last class again was fun. Ladies don't forget to practice that footwork, and make it your own. Put your own STYLE to it. You don't want to look like all the other people out there doing it. And Men, YOU MUST PRACTICE YOUR FOOTWORK!! Footwork here is all about positioning. If your footwork is SOUND, not only are you in place for your next move, but it'll make the dance a whole lot smoother.

Also it will help you, because this week---WE ARE GOING TO JUMP INTO THE FUTURE AGAIN!!! Bring your thinking caps. :-)

Is it just me??

So have you ever danced with someone, and you had NO IDEA what the hell they were doing? :-) Yeah well can you envision that person teaching? Well I think there's going to be ANOTHER class starting or has started already. There was one instructor that literally told a student, after she went dancing and saw that they were doing something different, that there's more than just one style. Sadly they won't be able to dance with the rest of the Steppin family. OK I'll say it: PEOPLE, JUST BECAUSE THEY SAY THEY'RE FROM CHICAGO. DOESN'T MEAN AUTOMATICALLY THEY CAN STEP!! If that were true, then there WOULDN'T be ANY classes in Chicago. Why would they have classes there if everyone can step already??? There I said it. Just find a style or a method you like and go for it. Also if you think that because you start off counting, that you must count all the time, sorry that's NOT the case. Just as you learned to walk some years ago, you had to learn left--right--left--right, are you trying to tell me that you're STILL doing that now?? Yeah I thought so. Trust me, counting will be the same way, once it's in your head, you'll be able to dance and just know what count you're on. So you can either practice 123-456-78, or you can practice becoming a Mind-Reader to know what you're suppose to do. lol Man that's funny. Hey I guess -----Let me know how that works out.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Can't we all just get along? LOL Sadly, that's not always possible. See there will ALWAYS be someone somewhere with something against whatever it is that's being done. But the good news is that over time, you'll see those BAD EGGs more clearly that ever. Now I wasn't at the big meeting because I had class, but I didn't need to be there to hear about Mr. Negative. All I can say is, don't let one BAD Apple spoil the whole bunch. That same apple even tried to spoil another batch of apples. You know what they say, "God hates UGLY", so we'll soon see him be unsuccessful for the 3rd time. I wish him well, but we all know how it's going to end.