A Better Way to Dance

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Stay Tuned for more oustanding clips

OK Arizona, good your paper & pencils out---- Here are some moves you can teach in your classes. Just make sure you TEACH THEM THE CORRECT FOOTWORK or it's not going to work. These moves are for those who are DANCING IN THE PATTERN, and NOTFOOTWORK MEN LEARN your FOOTWORK for those you have to be a mind reader to follow. !!!! If you learn it, things will be so much easier for you, but I know it's going to take you bumping your heads before you will. It's not enough to know the move, or combination, but knowing and having footwork. It Doesn't look good just walking around, or not moving at all, PULLING the woman all over the place. Well maybe that's just my thinking-----Hmmmmmm dance how you want, but don't complain when you don't get any dances.

The First Time out

OK this was our first dance, and if you've forgotten who Donna is, maybe this will help--

White Party Clips

OK here's Donna & I dancing, and I was told that all the mistakes that were made, was MY FAULT. And I AGREE! The fact that she went where she wanted to go was all MY FAULT. I keep telling myself that over and over and over----
Check it out

Tina's Birthday Party

Good Afternoon fellow AZ Steppers! Well for those of you who missed it, Tina's Birthday party was really nice. Well, Once we got past another Michael Jackson tribute, it was OK. So how long will that go on? OK OK OK he was GREAT!! We got it, but do we have to listen to MJ for 2 hours every time we go out? Do they think that THEY ARE the only DJs playing MJ songs? Give it a rest! OK I'm calm, good thing for that nice music or I'll still be ranting. I hope we won't have that problem at the Peppermint Party. It will be a short night for me if that does happen.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Chicago Dance Contest here in Phoenix?

Yes ladies and gentlemen, they had a Chicago Steppin Contest here this past Saturday. And let me tell you, it was full of MISINFORMATION. Just as we all like contest to be, confusing, unfair, and bias. They even split the prize money with the winners, AND the Losing couple.(one of there regulars) Has anyone ever heard of that?? Mia, and I did win the contest, BARELY. They wasn't going to give it to us, one of the guys there stepped in and put his 2 cents in. And with that being said, I don't even think that other couple was even stepping. At least I've never seen that version. Maybe I need to go back to Chicago, and see what I'm missing. They said that they would have judges, NOPE audience vote, they said the winners would get at least $50, NOPE! The winners got $25 to split, and it cost us $7 each to get in. So that boiled down to $6 in winnings, which didn't cover gas. Such a sad event.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Noah & Anne

Well here's Anne again, but this time with Noah.

Class is open

So here's another small clip of Drew and Anne playing around after class in Detroit--

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The New generation

The New Generation

So here we have 2 young men that take dance to higher levels. Let's start with Drew:

A little Big Man that has more talent, and moves than the amount of times you blink your eyes in a day. I've been told they think he even comes with moves in his sleep. lol Now I've had the pure pleasure of watching him dance, and I couldn't keep my mouth closed. Every time I did, he pulled off something else that had me shaking my head. Drew danced a trio that was well worthy of the "I'll be Damn" status. Drew has a laid back type of Style, almost a complete opposite than his counterpart.

Noah-----Aw---Yes Noah-- Don't blink!!! If you, do not only will you miss something special, you'll miss the amazing way his combinations flow. He's a very cool, and quiet person, that if you didn't know who he was, you'll dismiss him non-the-less. And I'm here to tell you ladies, and gentlemen for that matter, you would miss sparks of genious in motion. Unlike Drew, Noah's style is very flashy, bold, and flamboyant. His style is one that will keep you guessing. You really have to be on your toes with these two, as the following clips shows. As they regale us, let's not forget THE WOMEN that they are dancing with. So as you watch them, we can also be amazed with the women too. Women, if you want to learn footwork, there's NO BETTER TEACHER THAN PRACTICE. These women didn't get up and say, "Today I'll have some good footwork"; they PRACTICED, and PRACTICED, and then PRACTICED some more. But don't get discourage, just look at where you can blossom to be:

Enjoy The New Generation----

Thursday, June 11, 2009


If you didn't attend the Original White Party in Detroit, man----- you missed a good one. It was really nice, and there were people from all over. Steppers --Stepping the night away, Boppers bopping, The Ballroomers, and Latin Hustle folks folks putting on a show. So because of the many many and many dances I had, I wasn't able to do much recording. BUT, I did get in about 2 hours worth. Of course that's between that, and the after party. It was really nice to be there amongst all those inspiring dancers. I had so many people showing me new moves, I was getting them all mixed up. Ah yes------ I remember those days trying to remember too much, and can't remember anything. LOL Now the good news, I'll post SOME footage of my trip here in the next couple of days.

I will be back for class this coming Wednesday---MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR THINKING CAPS WITH YOU !!!